Taking a holistic view of value chains:
Taking a holistic view of value chains:
From raw material extraction through design, production, shipping, marketing and logistics to utilization and recycling.
For us, a holistic circular economy means designing circular products, using recycled materials, and offering circular services, for example refurbished adapters, whenever this creates a benefit for our customers. To this end, we also join forces with suppliers and business partners, because a circular model involves many players.
Recycle raw materials, reuse components
The circular economy system at TEKON first requires a distinction between the raw materials and components used. Raw materials can be subdivided into the subcategories recycling and compostability, components into the individual components, such as housings, mating connectors and cables, which can ideally be reused.
Sustainable design, involve suppliers
Die kreislaufgerechte Produktgestaltung beginnt bereits in der Konstruktion. Hier besteht die Aufgabe darin, Produkte zu konstruieren, die einen einfachen Austausch von Verschleißteilen ermöglichen. Eine Reparatur kann so deutlich günstiger angeboten werden als ein Neukauf. Falls ein Produkt nicht mehr zu reparieren ist, kann es in seine Einzelteile zerlegt werden. Die einzelnen Materialien Gold, Alu, Kunststoff und Kabel können anschließend vom Lieferanten – sofern Rücknahmesysteme bestehen –wiederverwendet werden.
Save packaging, avoid transport routes
In incoming and outgoing goods, the focus is on an efficient and environmentally friendly supply of raw materials and the transport of finished products. One focus here is on reducing emissions by avoiding unnecessary transport routes. It is important to clarify with customers and suppliers whether a joint packaging solution can be used to save packaging material.
Utilize resources, design processes efficiently
In work preparation, the focus is on efficient planning of work processes and optimal utilization of available resources.