FAQ about the application
You would like to apply for a job with us? Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions.
Your question was not answered? Feel free to contact us by phone 07151.36884.0 or by e-mail bewerbung@tekon-prueftechnik.de.
How do I know if a job ad is still current?
We make every effort to keep the job openings on our careers page up to date. If you are not sure, please feel free to contact us.
What requirements do I have to meet as an applicant?
Our selection criteria are based on the requirements of the position. In principle, the applicant’s overall image is decisive, i.e. professional experience counts just as much as personality.
Which application documents do I have to submit?
In general, we require the following documents:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of relevant degrees and training
- References from previous employers
- Evidence of further training
Can I apply for more than one job offer at the same time?
Yes. However, submit only one application. In this case, refer to the relevant positions in your cover letter. We also reserve the right to suggest alternative positions to you.
You have not found the right job?
In your cover letter, describe the job and the area of responsibility you are looking for. Send us your unsolicited application.
What does the application process look like?
Our application process is simple and straightforward. After receipt of your documents, you will receive a confirmation.
In the next step, your documents will be checked by our HR department. If everything is complete, the documents are forwarded to the specialist department.
If you have aroused our interest, you will get to know a colleague from the HR department and the specialist department in a telephone interview or in a personal meeting. You will have the opportunity to present your background and learn details about the position. Depending on the job description, the interview may also be supplemented by a trial workday.
You have convinced us of your professional skills and your personality. If both sides are interested, a second interview with our business manager will follow. Then you have almost made it and will soon be part of the TEKON team. After this successful interview, you will receive a concrete contract offer. Once the details have been clarified, your professional future at TEKON can begin. We are looking forward to meeting you!